Author Topic: Personalize email newsletters as much as possible  (Read 24 times)

Offline Rasel Rasel

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Personalize email newsletters as much as possible
« on: Saturday 16, 2023, 11: am »
As incredible as it may seem, when someone decides to make a purchase, it is not a rational choice. This process is much more emotional. The data , numbers, statistics about the product or your company only serve to confirm this purchase. But what makes a person decide to buy something is emotional. And by now you've seen that storytelling is an excellent technique for awakening emotions in people. But not only that. So that you can provide information about the product or resolve any objection, the first thing you need is for your potential customer to be listening to you, paying attention. And storytelling is something so powerful that it captures the audience’s attention.

No one can resist a well-told story. It's crazy, but people and you most likely pay to go into a movie theater and spend two hours disconnected from the world paying attention to a story. Who has never started watching a good series and hours Phone Number List later was still there marathoning it, watching episode after episode? And the fact is that if you have your audience's attention , you can say everything you need to convince people to take the action you want.

Furthermore, one of the points that most catches my attention about the power of storytelling is that, when a person tells a story, little by little the brain activity of the person listening synchronizes with the brain activity of the person telling it. This was proven in an experiment carried out by researchers at Princeton University. They discovered that exactly the same areas of the brain are activated in those who tell the story and those who listen. What does that mean? Whoever is telling a story is able to influence whoever is listening. Able to make others perceive what he wants them to perceive.